
Repair & Fix Windows 7 & Vista problems with FixWin Utility

Is there any problem with your Windows Vista or Windows 7 that's getting on your nerves? You have two options: either you search Google for the solution or you try FixWin.
FixWin is a simple, standalone tool – no installation required - that helps you solve the most common problems in Windows Vista and Windows 7. Of course, we're talking about simple annoyances here, like the Recycle bin icon missing from your desktop, the context menu not working in Internet Explorer or the Automatic updates not working properly.

If you're lucky to find your particular problem with Windows among the FixWin list (which includes about 50 different problems), fixing it is as easy as clicking thhe "Fix" button beside the description of the problem. If not, well, maybe you should look for another program.

As with any other tool that fiddles with system options, you should create a system restoration point before using FixWin. You can do it in the program's Welcome window.

If you're having small, annoying problems with Windows Vista or Windows 7, check out FixWin and see if you can solve them with it!

Windows 7  maupun Vista sering mengalami Error? Tidak perlu khawatir karena kali ini saya akan Share sebuah program gratis yang akan membantu mengatasi semua masalah anda tersebut dengan hanya sekali klik saja.

Kita memang seringkali melakukan kesalahan-kesalahan kecil secara tidak sengaja yang dapat menyebabkan performa Windows 7 maupun Vista menurun atau bahkan error. Tapi kini anda sudah bisa bernafas lega karena dengan bantuan program FixWin Utility maka Windows 7 anda akan kembali normal seperti sedia kala.

FixWin Utility merupakan sebuah freeware yang akan membantu anda mengatasi semua masalah di Windows 7 maupun Windows Vista kalian. Disamping itu dengan sifatnya yang portable, menjadikan aplikasi ini bisa dibawa kemana-mana melalui flashdisk, hardisk dan sejenisnya.

FixWin Utility dapat memperbaiki 50 kesalahan umum yang seringkali terjadi. Secara interface solusi problem dibagi menjadi beberapa kategori, yakni: Windows Explorer, Internet & Connectivity, Windows Media, System Tools & Misc Additional Fixes. Semoga bermanfaat.

Download: FixWin
